Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Technology Integration Organizational Flow Chart

Roles and Responsibilities:

• Board of Trustees – These individuals are elected or appointed members who function as a united body to oversee the activities of the district. They are responsible for establishing the operational policies of the district as well as approving employment of district personnel.

• Superintendent – The Superintendent reports directly to the Board of Trustees. She is the leader of the school district and is responsible for daily operations of the district.

• Deputy Superintendent, School Leadership and Student Support Services – Provides leadership to campus principals as well as to numerous administrative functions of the district, including communications, community programs, extracurricular programs and human resources.

• Chief Technology Officer – Governs all technology issues. He is responsible for coordinating the development and implementation of educational technology policies. Its main goal is to maximize technology's contribution to improving education within the district and support of the goals of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.

• Executive Director of Educational Technology – Holds the responsibility of implementing new technology throughout the district

• Coordinator V – Provides guidance and instruction on individual campuses as to how to integrate and disperse the new technology while also providing training and technical support.

• Technology Integration Educator – Manages the day to day technology concerns of the school. He / She is also responsible for maintaining the school’s website.

• Teachers- Teachers essentially provide input through teams and the SBDM committees as to how technology and curriculum should be integrated into the classroom culture. Teachers are also responsible for introducing new technology into the classroom.

• Campus Principal- The principle is responsible for governing the day to day operations of the school. She supports the organizational flow by ensuring that technology initiatives are implemented in the classroom. Thus, students are provided with the opportunity to utilize the newest classroom technology.

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